Data Requirements
The metrics used in the EVC are generated from data that lives in multiple fleet-related systems. The most notable are fleet management information systems, telematics, and charging-stations. We collect data on both electric vehicles and ICE vehicles, so that we can draw comparisons between the two on maintenance cost, reliability and usage.
We currently support these systems:

We are adding new systems monthly. If you have a system that is not shown here, please reach out to us.
Our Analysts meet with each new member to explain where to find the data and how to pull it from the system. Data is submitted each quarter during a week-long data submission window that begins about a month after the quarter ends. We have both fully automated ways to submit data via APIs, batch and manual using an upload platform.
Fleet Management Information System (FMIS)
Vehicle Inventory Data
- Unit number, year/make/model, description, class codes, VINs, in service/disposal dates, current status, assigned locations
Fuel Data
- Fuel gallons, type and cost consumed by unit at the transaction level
Work Order Data
- WO number, start and complete times and other relevant timestamps, status, description, task codes, unit number, internal or vendor, repair reason, labor hours, labor cost, parts cost, vendor cost, odometer readings
Warranty Data
Status/Reason Code Dictionaries
Data is currently collected on light-duty vehicles (sedans, pickups, SUVs, and vans) and will expand to medium- and heavy-duty vehicles once they become more universally available and members add them to their fleets.
Telematics Data
- Device information
- Trip information, including GPS data to help determine mileage traveled in cases where a device may not reliably report odometer values from the onboard device
- Diagnostic information from the OBD, including information related to ignition state, charging states, EV specific diagnostics, and odometer readings
- Exceptions associated with a device, e.g., idling, PTO, and boom usage
Charging-Station Data
Vehicle ID, station name, station location, transaction ID, transaction date, time zone, transaction start, transaction stop, total session duration, total charging time, energy consumed, price per kWh, and fee, if applicable